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Names mentioned in "The Outlook"
The magazine of St Mary's C of E School
Spring Term 1931

Front cover of the Spring 1931 edition
"Outlook" was usually produced three times yearly. The Spring edition (No. 14), urged readers to approach the new term with a spring in their step and for everyone to pull together. The new Rector, Rev Edwards wrote the foreward to this edition, there was a farewell to the magazine illustrator, Miss Jenkins and a wish that all those that have suffered illness over the winter make a full recovery.

First name
BROWN Duke Street "The Practical Man" Decorating, plumbing - ad in Sch Magazine
EVANS  . Bootmaker Leather service - advert in School Magazine
HARRIS Duke Street Pharmacist & photographic supplies - ad in School Magazine
CONGREVE & ROBINSON 101 & 103 High Street Drapers & Toys - advert in School Magazine
POWNALL Bread delivered daily -advert in School Magazine
. BALL & CAPPS Pioneer Ave/Church St Builders, Contractors & Jobbing Masons - advert in School Magazine
. DENTON Home Farm Fresh Dairy, Butter & Eggs - advert in School Magazine
CARVELL The Tuckshop, Church St General stores - advert in School Magazine
BROWN Alexandra Street Violinist pupils, Instuments & accessories - advert in School Magazine
T H EDWARDS . Foreward, mentioned in "Prize Distribution" article
Cath KNOWLES . Junior III pupil, "My Playbox" - poem in magazine (p8)
Mr & Mrs A J WITTERING . Mentioned in "Prize Distribution" article (held on Dec 18th) (p9)
Mr & Mrs A G MILLER . Mentioned in "Prize Distribution" article (held on Dec 18th)
Mr & Mrs DAVIES . Mentioned in "Prize Distribution" article (held on Dec 18th)
Mrs SHORTLAND . Mentioned in "Prize Distribution" article (held on Dec 18th)
Leslie PHILLIPS . Senior pupil, mentioned in "Prize Distribution" article (held on Dec 18th)
Eileen CROSS . Junior pupil, Mentioned in "Prize Distribution" article (held on Dec 18th)
Bertie UNDERWOOD . Junior III pupil, "The Death of Cock Robin" - article written by pupil (p10)
Mrs W BATTY . Mentioned in "The Annual School Party" (Held in Preston Hall, Dec 16th) article - judged fancy dress (p11)
Mrs A BARLOW . Mentioned in "The Annual School Party" (Held in Preston Hall, Dec 16th) article - judged fancy dress
Jean WHITEMAN . Junior pupil award winner - dressed as Winter
Vivian CONGREVE . Junior pupil award winner - dressed as a Gipsy
Jim COLE . Junior pupil award winner - dressed as a Page Boy
Joyce LUCAS . Junior pupil award winner - dressed as a Spanish Lady
Betty COX . Junior pupil award winner - dressed as "Nippy"
Brenda MILLER . Junior pupil consolation prize
Dulcie FREESTONE . Junior pupil consolation prize
Geraldine MORLEY . Junior pupil consolation prize
Gwen WHITEMAN . Senior pupil award winner - dressed as a Shepherdess
Eileen SPANTON . Senior pupil award winner - dressed as Aladdin
Mary GARLEY . Senior pupil award winner - dressed as Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race
Kath BUTLIN . Senior pupil award winner - dressed as a Militaire
Albert LOVELL . Senior pupil award winner - dressed as Old English
Norman LINNELL . Junior II pupil, "My Life - By Mr Timpsons Bus" - article written by pupil (p12)
Evelyn DACRE . Junior III pupil, "Spring" - poem in magazine (p13)
H J COOK . "The Music of Bible" - article in magazine (p14)
V D JENKINS . Teacher leaving to take up new post - mentioned in "School Notes" article (p16)
Sidney BLUNDELL . Pupil, prizewinner in Kettering Musical Festival - mentioned in "School Notes"
Eric TUSTIAN . awarded Junior I work badge, Christmas term - mentioned in "School Notes"
Geraldine MORLEY . awarded Junior II work badge, Christmas term - mentioned in "School Notes"
Evelyn DACRE . awarded Junior III work badge, Christmas term - mentioned in "School Notes"
Leslie BRACE . awarded Junior IV work badge, Christmas term - mentioned in "School Notes"
Chas COOK . awarded Senior I work badge, Christmas term - mentioned in "School Notes"
Keith CONROY . awarded Senior II work badge, Christmas term - mentioned in "School Notes"
Leslie PHILLIPS . awarded Senior III work badge, Christmas term - mentioned in "School Notes"
Wilf HULL . Sgt in 1st Grenadier Guards posted in Cairo - mentioned in "School Notes"
Fred PAYNE . Capt in Church Army, working as a missionary in Canada - mentioned in "School Notes"
Roma COX . Junior IV pupil, "At the Rainbows End" - article written by pupil (p18)
Charles COOK . Senior I pupil, "Local Personalities" - interview and article by pupil (p19)
A G MILLER . County Councillor, subject of "Local Personalites" article
Thelma CAPPS . Junior III pupil, "Flowers" - poem in magazine
Frank CURRIN . Senior I pupil, contributor to "Things I Like" article (p21)
Miss LEWIS . Contributor to "Things I Like" article
Annie HARRISON . Senior II pupil, contributor to "Things I Like" article
Mr H J COOK . Contributor to "Things I Like" article
Charles COOK . Contributor to "Things I Like" article
Miss V D JENKINS . Contributor to "Things I Like" article
Miss G E ROBERTS . Contributor to "Things I Like" article
Miss F M STOKES . Contributor to "Things I Like" article
Miss L WATSON . Contributor to "Things I Like" article
Mr G J TALBUTT . Contributor to "Things I Like" article
Kath CAPPS . Junior II pupil, "How I Stole the Pig (by Tom the Piper's Son)" - article written by pupil (p23)
B CHENEY . " I Muse on Life - by a Lampost" - article in magazine (p24)
Derrick CLARKE . Junior I pupil, "A Dog Tells How He Saved His Mistress" - article written by pupil (p25)
Evelyn CONROY . Senior III pupil, mentioned in "House Notes" article (p26)
Nellie MIDDLETON . Pupil, mentioned in "House Notes" article (p27)
Elsie SUMMERFIELD . Pupil, mentioned in "House Notes" article (p27)
Evelyn CONROY . Senior III pupil, "On Recreations" - article written by pupil (p28)
Mary BRAINES . Senior II pupil, "October's Party" - article written by pupil (p29)
Keith CONROY . Senior II pupil, "Fire! Fire!" - article written by pupil (p30)
Grace PERRY . Senior II pupil, "A Tramp's Experiences in a Blizzard" - article written by pupil (p31)
F BARLOW . Family Butcher - advert in School Magazine
James CAPPS . Bread, Cakes, Poultry & Pig food - advert in School Magazine
. BENFORD . The Barber - advert in School Magazine
J BULL High Street Shoe repairs and new goods - advert in School Magazine
R OLORENSHAW Meeting Lane Agent for Clay Cross Coal Co - advert in School Magazine
F TURNER High Street China store - wholesale or retail, advert in School Magazine
W A CHARLES High Street Post Office, Lending Library, Stationery - advert in School Magazine
. PIPER'S STORE High Street Potted meat, Cooked Ham - advert in School Magazine

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